If you want to create secret messages in your Breakout games, a Caesar Cipher is a fun way to do that! And thanks to this online interactive tool from Khan Academy you can link directly to it inside your OneNote activity. (Scroll for link below.)
All you have to do is link to the decoder, give your student the “shift number” and let them decode your secret message using the Caesar Cipher wheel.
Instructions for creating codes are below, as are instructions for students to decode your message.
1 -- Type your message in the top field
2 -- Click and rotate the blue-lettered ring on the outside wheel to set your “shift.” The shift number is found in the center grey ring.
3 -- Encrypted message generates in the bottom field
4 -- The circular refresh icon clears everything so you can start again.
My message: “Come quickly there is danger” on a #4 shift becomes:
Give your students the Encrypted Message. Provide your students with the link to the Caesar Cipher decoder and the shift number you used to create the coded message. Students will first set the shift number on the wheel. They will locate the code letters in the black ring. They will match up those letters with the blue letters in the outer ring. The blue letters will spell out your intended secret message. Remind student to write the code letters down!
Link to the interactive Caesar Cipher on Khan Academy:
Cipher Design Credit: Brit Cruise, content creator for Khan Academy